Monday 28 October 2013


Assalamualaikum ~ 

Insya'Allah I'm gonna a put an end to this blog. Moving over to Wordpress since many berhijrah there. Mehehe

Have alrd created but not activated yet. It's still the same URL except without the hyphen .

Insya'Allah will activate it in a week or two weeks time. (Or maybe today....aiiiiing~) 

Till then, illaliqa' ❤️

Sunday 27 October 2013

Pregnancy symptoms - early signs of preganancy

Pregnancy symptoms differ from woman to woman and pregnancy to pregnancy; however, one of the most significant pregnancy symptoms is a delayed or missed period.

Understanding the signs and symptoms of pregnancy is important because each symptom may be related to something other than pregnancy. You may experience signs or symptoms of pregnancy within a week of conception. However, it is possible you may not experience any symptoms for a few weeks.

What are Early Pregnancy Symptoms to Watch For?

Symptoms to watch for early on include a missed periodheadaches,tender breastsnausea and lower backaches. If you have been sexually active and are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to take a pregnancy test.  Are you experiencingmorning sickness – are you pregnant or experiencing something else?

Find a Testing Center

Trying to get pregnant? Get APA’s “Essential Guide to Getting Pregnant”

First Sign of Pregnancy: Spotting

Implantation bleeding can be one of the earliest pregnancy symptoms. About 6-12 days after conception, the embryo implants itself into the uterine wall. Some women will experience spotting as well as some cramping. Some women do not even notice this so don’t worry if you are trying to get pregnant and don’t see it – you could still be pregnant.

Other Explanations: Actual menstruation, altered menstruation, changes in birth control pill, infection, or abrasion from intercourse.

First Sign of Pregnancy: Delay/Difference in Menstruation:

A delayed or missed period is the most common pregnancy symptom leading a woman to test for pregnancy. When you become pregnant, your next period should be missed. However, some women can bleed while they are pregnant, but typically this bleeding will be shorter or lighter than a normal period.

Other Explanations: Excessive weight gain/loss, fatigue, hormonal problems, tension, stress, ceasing to take the birth control pill, illness or breastfeeding.

Swollen/Tender Breasts:

Swollen or tender breasts is a pregnancy symptom which may begin as early as 1-2 weeks after conception. Women may notice changes in their breasts; they may be tender to the touch, sore, or swollen.

Other Explanations: Hormonal imbalance, birth control pills, impending menstruation (PMS) can also cause your breasts to be swollen or tender.


Feeling fatigued or more tired is a pregnancy symptom which can also start as early as the first week after conception.

Other Explanations: Stress, exhaustion, depression, common cold or flu, or other illnesses can also leave you feeling tired or fatigued.

Nausea/Morning Sickness:

This well known pregnancy symptom will often show up between 2-8 weeks after conception. Some women are fortunate to not deal with morning sickness at all, while others will feel nauseous throughout most of their pregnancy.  If you are experiencing morning sickness at all, take a look at our articles on morning sickness to learn how to manage it better.

Other Explanations: Food poisoning, stress, change in hormonal birth control method or other stomach disorders can also cause you to feel queasy.


Lower backaches may be a symptom that occurs early in pregnancy; however, it is common to experience a dull backache throughout pregnancy.

Other Explanations: Impending menstruation, stress, other back problems, and physical or mental strains.


The sudden rise of hormones in your body can cause you to have headaches early in pregnancy.

Other Explanations: Dehydration, caffeine withdrawal, impending menstruation, eye strain, or other ailments can be the source of frequent or chronic headaches.

Frequent Urination:

Around 6-8 weeks after conception, you may find yourself making a few extra trips to the bathroom.

Other Explanations: Urinary tract infection, diabetes, increasing liquid intake, or taking excessive diuretics.

Darkening of Areolas:

If you are pregnant, the skin around your nipples may get darker.

Other Explanations: Hormonal imbalance unrelated to pregnancy or may be a leftover effect from a previous pregnancy.

Food Cravings or Food Aversions:

While you may not have a strong desire to eat pickles and ice cream, many women will feel cravings for certain foods when they are pregnant. This can last throughout your entire pregnancy. Some women develop adversions to certain types of food early in pregnancy and this too can last for the next 9 months.

Other Explanations: Poor diet, lack of a certain nutrient, stress, depression, illness or impending menstruation.

And nope, I'm not pregnant yet. But this is so useful that I just have to post it. 

Via American pregnancy association 

Thursday 24 October 2013

Belajar Langsung dari guru

Pada dasarnya belajar itu harus dengan cara mendengar langsung dari para guru, duduk bersama mereka,dan mendengarkan langsung dari mulut mereka, bukan belajar sendiri dari kitab. Karena belajar langsung dari guru adalah mengambil nasab ilmu dari pembawa nasab ilmu yg berakal yaitu sang guru. Adapun kalau belajar dari kitab,kitab itu hanyalah bende mati. Maka bagaimana mungkin nasab ilmunya bisa bersambung?

Ini juga perkara yang harus diperhatikan oleh para penuntut ilmu, yaitu belajar dari seorang guru. Karena, itu bisa menghasilkan dua faidah atau lebih. Yaitu:

Pertama, menyingkat waktu. Daripada seorang murid harus membolak-balik isi kitab dan melihat mana pendapat yang lebih rajih dan apa sebab kerajihannya? Juga mana pendapat yang lemah dan apa sebab kelemahannya? Namun, jika belajar dari seorang guru,sudah merupakan "makanan matang". Seorang guru tinggal berkata: "Para ulama dalam masalah ini berbeda pendapat menjadi dua pendapat atau tiga atau lebih,yang lebih rajih dalah pendapat yang ini dengan dalil begini.Cara ini lebih bermanfaat bagi seorang murid"

Kedua,bisa cepat faham.Seseorang apabila membaca dengan bimbingan guru akan bisa cepat faham dibandingkan dengan membaca kitab sendiri.Karena jika ia membaca sendiri,mungkin butuh mengulangi satu alenia empat atau lima kali bahkan mungkin saja bisa salah dalam memahaminya.

Tiga,adanya hubungan antara murid dan guru,dan ini merupakan hubungan antara ahli ilmu dari yang kecil sampai yang besar.

Inilah beberapa faidah belajar dengan bimbingan guru.Namun sebagaimana yang telah kami sebutkan terdahulu bahwa wajib bagi seorang murid untuk memilih guru dari kalangan para ulama yang mumpuni keilmuannya lagi mempunyai amanah.Dalam artian,ilmunya bukan sekedar pas-pasan namun benar-benar mengetahui ilmunya.Juga jika sang guru ahli ibadah,akan bisa ditiru oleh muridnya.

Ada sebuah ungkapan:"Barang siapa yang memasuki suatu bidang ilmu seorang diri,dia akan keluar juga seorang diri."Maksudnya,barang siapa yang mempelajari ilmu tanpa guru,ia akan keluar tanpa ilmu.Karena ilmu adalah sebuah bidang keahlian yang butuh pada ahlinya,maka harus dipelajari dari ahlinya yang mumpuni.

Ini sebuah ungkapan yang benar,juga masih ada ungkapan lainnya,yaitu:"Barang siapa yang menjadikan kitab sebagai petunjuknya,maka salahnya lebih banyak daripada benarnya."Inilah yang sering terjadi.Meskipun ada ,jarang seseorang yang benar-benar bersungguh-sungguh belajar,terutama sekali bagi yang tidak menemukan orang yang bisa mengajarinya,lalu dia berserah diri kepada Allah dan berjuang siang malam,niscaya dia akan mendapatkan ilmu meskipun tanpa guru.

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Lectures without lecturer

Do you study math alone just by reading books or do you need a teacher to guide you to solve problem sums? 

Must be with a teacher right .

Same goes to seeking the deen. Without a teacher you'll end up studying with the syaitan. Sedangkan baca al-Quran sendirian pun kita baca salah-salah, apatah lagi menuntut ilmu?!

When some say they listen to scholars saying they don't go classes but instead read a book to gain knowledge, that's because they were born guniness! We weren't born guniness like the scholars these days and back then. We needed to be spoon fed with ilm. 

Just imagine going to class, the first step you exit your house , the angels is already praying for you. 
Just imagine how many steps you take to reach ilm classes and how many times the angels prayed for you.
Just imagine the fishes in the open sea prayed for you too! 

Masya'Allah . Don't you want to grap those nikmat Allah gave us? 

“Sesungguhnya manusia dalam kerugian”

Allahul musta'an.

-Once bitten twice shy. Twice bitten shame on you. Thrice bitten you're dungu.

May Allah grant you and us his hidayah towards the righteous path. Ameen.

Monday 21 October 2013


❤️ Asl lah sweet sgt. I was craving to sooo many food these few days and when I see food, I want them. So yesterday while browsing on Instagram, I saw two sisters posted secret recepi chocolate indulgence cake. And my eyes went o.O (aku Nak nie jugak!) 

So I showed my husband and he was like "ohh nie chocolate indulgence" -.,-'

And this morning while he was at work, he send me the picture above ❤️.❤️

(Mcm mane tak Nak syg . Heheheh)
May Allah bless him with goodness and paitence . Ameen .

Saturday 19 October 2013

Kawan seumur ku

Merindui seorang teman yg tidak boleh terubat dihati.

Semoga Allah menemukan kamu jodoh yg lebih mulia dariku. 

Hatiku harus lepaskan masa lampau. 

*annoying nye Malay aku. Hahaha. But ya, qadarallah for things are not ment to be as how I planned* 

Take good care of yourself dear friend. {Jgn malu2 order brownies from me ok;)}

Wednesday 16 October 2013

The moment I enter my room and smelled your perfume, I just wanted to cry my heart out cos I really want to speak to you :'( 

P.s: Dear husband , I really missed you dearly :'( only you knew how to comfort me when I'm so down. 

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Every since I got married, my relationship with my cousins starting to part :'( 

Why??? :'( 

Wanna cry so badly cos I fell so left out:'( 

Monday 7 October 2013

For you

Assalamualaikum ~

Bismillah .
Alhamdulillah I've survived a month being your wife ! Hehh
And looking for to up coming years with you. 

I don't know how to put all these words in my head currently to form a decent sentences for you. Well here it goes. 

Jazakallahu khair for these past few weeks having to share many things with you. 'Ade yg pahitnye and ade yg manisnye(manis mcm saye)
No relationship is a smooth sailing but if both can work it out, insya'Allah khair it'll be at least half smooth? Hehh wallahu a'lam.

Anyway.......haha. I really am amazed how you could be all patient with my nonsencical behavior . Meeeeehehehe~ 

You and your reminder 'ISBIR' (patient). Hehh. And me being very impatient over small or big matter._. Basically everything.

Isbir Innallaha Ma Assobiriin”
Patience -Allah are with those whom have patience.

You might think I'm some kind of a sick kid who would cry for no absolute reason. Laa. I do have reasons but those words turns out into tears. 
(Well that's how girls express their feeling I guess ? Hahah)

Somehow at my depression moment (which you don't even know when or senang ckp I also don't know when's the time the depressing moment can come), you would suddenly stroke my hand and I would cry. Hahah. Boy, I have an emotional issues! Hahah. 

Alhamdulillah with you around now, I can see my feeling of depression is lesser as I get to let out all the merepek-ness in my head to you. Heheeh . 

“You have emotional problem since young eh?” Haha no I don't . :'D

Insya'Allah I won't have any problem in me unless's pms. Hah! 
Let's get a crazy adorable like me family ! (Hahahah irritating nye aku) 

“Fa sabruun Jameel”
Verily , patience is bliss

& and to my beloved husband , May Allah bless you with patience and may you get the job that you wanted. 
And insya'Allah I will love you each and everyday of our life together. Jazakallahu khair for being my husband and Alhamdulillah ,Allah gave me you. 

Allahumma ameen!
Till then, illaliqa' ❤️

Sunday 6 October 2013

Who are we to ask an asatizah such qns. We have no rights to even ask even if the qns are as simple as abc. 

These asatizahs are normal people with feelings like us. So don't try to be a terror and ask such stuff which can make one person thinks you that way.

Maybe it's time for us to take a tour to Salam media and get " Adap-Adap menuntut ilmu" book and by Allah's will, this can totally change one's life after reading them. 

Well, basically I'm feeling so stressed out with all the things that is happening currently. And I can't keep my head focus on one objective. May Allah eases our affairs. Ameen thumma ameen. 

اللّهُمَّ رَحْمَتَكَ أَرْجوفَلا تَكِلني إِلى نَفْسي طَرْفَةَ عَيْن، وَأَصْلِحْ لي شَأْني كُلَّه لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا أنْت

O Allah , I hope for Your mercy . Do not leave me to myself even for the blinking of an eye (i.e. a moment) . Correct all of my affairs for me . There is none worthy of worship but You

*and I'm excited for her~* 

Saturday 5 October 2013


It's annoying how you're still young but yet you call your husband 'husband' instead of boyfriend. 

HAHAHAAHAH! Ape kau bbl syaf. Shut up lah. K dah bye .

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Imaam Abu Haatim ibn Hibbaan رحمه الله said:
"Intelligence is the remedy of the hearts, the tool of the scholars, the seed for the tilth of the Hereafter, the crown of the believer in the worldly life, and his readiness for any calamity. Whomever lacks intelligence, then gaining power shall never increase him in honour, nor shall wealth ever exalt him."
Rawdah al-`Uqalaa [p.56]

Via tumblr