Wednesday 22 May 2013

Dear Kak Roszilah


Today was a teary day for the people of yishun at Heira'z. wanna know why? Wait a minute..... I have to handle my customer.


While me , kak ros and one student waiting for one more student (Kak ros having Barcelona brownie class today), a student ask Kak ros something. I don't quite remember what she asked but I remember her story line. Masya'Allah. Its so inspiring .

"Titik peluh seorang ibu."

 Masya'Allah! I can literally cry thinking how she manage to bring up her kids, her family and be a successful business women.
So many obstacle she went through for the sake of bringing up her kids and entering them into school.

10 years of 'kene sihir',(just imagine 10 year being possessed ), and 15K amount of money she used up to invest to build up her own business (Heira'z).

"I redha for what Allah gave me and I myself can't believe I can be so patient." She said again, "All for the sake of my children. And my son (who had an illness since young) was my biggest inspiration."

Nothing can beat the power of a mother. She can do anything for their children future.

"Oh Ibu, Jazakillahu khair for bringing up in an ordinary normal family. I thank Allah for putting me in a family like this:') ; Im so blessed.  ALLAHAMDULILLAH ALA KULLI HAL! "


Till then , ilaliqa'

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